The technique
Three sheets are used to make a card.
The brown hand (sheet of 100g/m2) playing the role of the soul of the card is laminated between the front and the back of the card.
On each back of the cards the seal of Solomon is drawn there. It evokes peace and wisdom, it is the covenant with God.
On each side a letter is calligraphed on quality paper.
Les protocoles
Trois lettres maximum par jour sont calligraphiées et chaque lettre est réalisée dans le souffle.
Durant tout le processus de fabrication le silence est omniprésent.
Chaque jeu est unique et réalisé avec soin et conscience.
Chaque lettre est vierge de tout regard et béni avant l'envoi définitif.
The support
ink calligraphy on 210 paper at 270g/m2
format 8cm/10cm
A case or a pouch are realized to store the cards.
Sparks of life, divine sparks.
Sparks of Life, Divine Sparks is a brochure that accompanies the game.
Each text given a more detailed description of the drawn letter. It is a journeying tool and offers us a more in-depth reading on our way of life.
Each letter guides us to more depth. They deliver us messages of life and are our lights in the night.
The letters of the Hebrew alphabet embody within them the divine energies directing and creating the material Universe. When we utter a letter we awaken its spiritual essence.
They are garments of subtle energies and have the function of materializing the emanation of divine Light.